Home Safety Equipment

Knowing what to do in the case of an emergency is a large part of being prepared, but there is also basic safety equipment that you may need that we may be able to provide. Part of our Community Safety Program includes providing the residents of our fire district with carbon monoxide alarms, second story window escape ladders, and fire extinguishers.

If you are interested in receiving any of this equipment, please complete the Community Safety Equipment Request Form below*

Second Story Window Escape Ladder
(1 per two-story household)

Carbon Monoxide Alarms
(1 per household)

#2.5 ABC Fire Extinguisher
(1 per household)

*Quantities of equipment is limited and will be given out on a first-come, first-serve basis. LVFD reserves the right to substitute equipment and/or refuse equipment request for any reason. Equipment is no charge to Lindsey Fire District residents only. 

Home Safety Equipment Request Form

Equipment Request (check all you are requesting)

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